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Clean It Up

This initiative gives young people the chance to take practical action for a cleaner, greener future. This youth-led environmental initiative focuses on reducing pollution and waste in communities. Participants organise clean-up events, raise awareness about environmental issues, and promote better waste-management practices.

Participants also collaborate with schools, businesses, councils, and community groups to implement waste-reduction strategies and encourage positive change.


  • Organising and participating in community clean-up events.

  • Working with local organisations to develop and implement waste-reduction initiatives.

  • Running campaigns to inform the public about environmental concerns in their area.

Clean It Up gives young people the tools to lead environmental efforts in their communities. It encourages hands-on participation, creating immediate local improvements while promoting long-term habits that protect our planet for the future.

Sign up for Clean it up - 22nd March

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Thank you for registering for Clean it up!! We'll be in touch


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